


かわばた内科クリニック 個人情報保護方針










〒006-0804 北海道札幌市手稲区新発寒4条5丁目13-13
かわばた内科クリニック 院長 伊澤 功

当ガイドラインについてのご質問は、tel:011-688-2525 かわばた内科クリニック院長 伊澤まで


Kawabata Internal Medicine Clinic recognizes the importance of personal information (such as name, address, telephone number, and other medical information) and strives to thoroughly handle and protect it based on the following guidelines:

Kawabata Internal Medicine Clinic Privacy Policy

We comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, as well as other standards, regarding the personal information of patients and related parties held by our clinic. We establish voluntary rules and systems and set forth the following privacy policy to execute and maintain it.

When collecting personal information from patients, we do so through lawful and fair means. We collect necessary personal information while clearly stating the purpose of collection and necessary information such as the clinic's contact point.

The use of personal information is limited to within the scope of the purpose of collection and is conducted only by authorized staff members to the extent necessary.

As a principle, we do not disclose, provide, or entrust personal information to third parties.

However, when it is necessary due to medical treatment, medical expense billing, requests from administrative agencies, or public requests such as medical research, we take necessary measures as required by law when providing personal information to third parties.

Furthermore, when jointly using personal information or entrusting it to third parties for outsourcing purposes, we conduct investigations regarding such third parties, obligate them to protect personal information through confidentiality agreements, and take other necessary measures as required by law.

We take measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information.

We will thoroughly communicate and implement this policy among our clinic's staff and other related parties and strive for improvement and maintenance.

We confirm that patients have rights such as disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of their personal information, and we establish and publicize reception desks for such purposes.

April 5, 2024 4-13-13 Shinhassamu 4-jo, Teine-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 006-0804 Kawabata Internal Medicine Clinic, Director: Izawa Tsutomu

For inquiries regarding this guideline, please contact Director Izawa at tel: 011-688-2525, Kawabata Internal Medicine Clinic.

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